Suport 3 cartuse B.S
12 decembrie 2022
Tripod Leofoto Kit SA-324C+MA-30
6 februarie 2023Tinta antrenament 3D + placa Hardox 500
1.350 lei
0 în stoc
Tinta tip manechin 3D cu insertie de Hardox 500
Ideal pentru antrenamentele de specialitate tip CQB si sniper unde riscurile ricoseurilor produse de tintale metalice este foarte ridicat dar poate fi folosit in scop recreational in poligoanele de tragere.
Manechinul 3D este confectionat din poliuretan (poriectilele putand trece prin el fara a-si schimba traiectoria) si poate rezista 10 000 de cartuse din game de calibre .17HMR si 50bmg eliminand complet riscul ricoseurilor.
Vedeti test manechin aici: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbzy1eWgAOA
Pretul poate suferi evolutii in functie de fiecare comanda.
Descrierea complete in lb.engleza
~The dummies are made from a special Polyurethane foam which is rigid enough for the 3D Shooting dummy to stands by its self, but still not too hard to damage the bullets, which pass through the target without making any considerable damage. Due to this, the targets are highly resilient and durable, and a single dummy can take up to 10.000 shots before it needs to be replaced. The 3D Dummies are thick enough to actually make your target a 3D model, so you can also shoot at it from side, all of this giving it a semblance of an actual human torso in realistic size. For training with sniper rifles, CQB or just having it on range is a must for a more realistic training which results in a better and safer performance in a hostile environment.
3D Shooting Dummies are designed to allow rounds to pass through with minimal deformation and target degradation, and thus should remain usable for a long time. Because they do not present the same danger of ricochet or spalling that a steel target does, they can be used in places and at ranges where otherwise only paper targets could be used.
– Lightweight (only 5kg/11lbs) – easy to transport
– Size: L/W/H (825/415/160mm) / (32,48/16,33/6,30inch)
– Takes approximately 10.000 shoots, self-sealing Polyurethane
– Resistant to environmental effects and weather
– Bullets pass through without changing course or deformation
– Withstands all Calibers from .17 HMR to 50 BMG
– Ideal for In-door shooting ranges as well
– A possibility of a Hardox 500 gong embedded into the Dummy torso for shooting at longer ranges (hear your hits)
– 3D Dummy Head for Sniper training
– Comes with a fitting tube so it can be mounted on all sort of stands
– It can also be hit, kicked, slashed and so on, for a more realistic training
– Can be made in different colours by demand (at a certain quantity)
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