Bore tech QWIK-DRI DRY, lubrifiant hi tech
17 ianuarie 2025
Bocanci LOWA Zephyr MK2 GTX Mid
22 ianuarie 2025Kestrel 5700 X WEZ
6.095 lei Prețul inițial a fost: 6.095 lei.5.865 leiPrețul curent este: 5.865 lei.
1 în stoc (poate fi pre-comandat)
Noul model de statie meteo portabila de inalta precizie – Kestrel 5700 ELITE X WEZ cu Applied Ballistic, conectivitate Link si WEZ (Weapon Employment Zone)
Modelul Elite X WEZ beneficiaza de toate functiile Elite X adica este dotat cu un procesor mult mai puternic care calculeaza si afiseaza rezultatele intr-un timp mult mai rapid ceea se ajuta utilizatorul in situatiile critice cand timpul este o problema. Suplimentar s-a adaugat sistemul WEZ (Weapon Employment Zone) care ofera tragatorului o analiza asupra probabilitatii de lovire a tintei aceasta fiid calculata tinant cont de datele armei, munitiei si distantei.
Kestrel 5700 ELITE X WEZeste cel mai avansat sistem balistic ce inglobeaza o statie meteo si un program balistic (Applied Ballistic). Noul model vine cu un procesor mult mai puternic care imbunatateste semnificativ performantele aparatului. A fost conceput special pentru aplicatii militare, tir la distanta dar si pentru activitatile outdoor oferind utilizatorului absolut toate informatiile referitoare la conditiile atmosferice si solutia tragere.
Cu ajutorul conexiunii „LINK wireless” se poate conecta la telemetru impreuna cu care populeaza direct distantele masurate. Se poate conecta la softul balistic oferind informatii in timp real despre conditiile atmosferice ajustand astfel continuu solutia de tragere in functie de variatiile parametrilor urmariti astfel incat tragatorul dispune tot timpul de o solutie de tragere.
Accesorii recomandate:
– tripod Kestrel ( ajustabil sau mic)
– suport
– suport rotativ ( indica sensul si directia vantului)
Nota: Furnizam absolut toata gama de aparate Kestrel , produsele se aduc doar la comanda!
Preturile sunt orientative si pot varia in functie model si de valuta, va rugam solicitati pe e-mail ( office@alrdp.ro ) oferta de pret!
Introducing the Kestrel 5700X WEZ
We are proud to announce the all-new Kestrel 5700X WEZ. Equipped with the Applied Ballistics Elite Solver and advanced Weapon Employment Zone (WEZ) analysis, the Kestrel 5700X WEZ guides shooters in optimizing their weapon systems, ammunition, and shooting skills for ultimate accuracy.
The Kestrel WEZ revolutionizes shooting performance with built-in statistical analysis to maximize Probability of Hit (P HIT) and shooter confidence. With the Kestrel 5700X WEZ, shooters can quantify the Probability of Hit for a specific target, at single or multiple distances, and across multiple gun profiles. Like all of Kestrel’s weather meters, the Kestrel WEZ features an intuitive interface that ensures seamless use in the field with no additional electronics required for weapon testing to real-world shooting applications. The Kestrel WEZ provides the data shooters need to perform with precision and confidence.
Key Benefits and Features
- Optimize Performance: Quantify P HIT to analyze weapon systems, shooting techniques, and ammunition.
- Advanced WEZ Analysis: Guide decisions to increase confidence and hit probability.
- Field-Ready: Designed for standalone use without reliance on other electronics.
- Range & Target Flexibility: Calculate P HIT for:
- Single targets with specific weapon systems
- Multiple distances via a range card
- Multiple targets across various ranges
- Multiple gun profiles for comprehensive comparison.
Kestrel 5700X WEZ Specifications
- Applied Ballistics Elite Solver: WEZ functionality, AB G1/G7/Custom Curve Drag Models, Aerodynamic Jump & Spin Drift Corrections
- Durability: MIL-STD-810G drop-tested, IP67 waterproof
- Wireless Communication: LiNK (Bluetooth Low Energy)
- Sensors: Pressure, Relative Humidity, Temperature, Digital Compass
- High-Contrast Display: Sunlight-readable with standard and night vision backlight options
- Performance Calibration: Muzzle Velocity Calibration, MV-Temp Table, Zero Offset
- Storage: Up to 30 Gun/Bullet Profiles and 10 Targets
- Ease of Use: Intuitive keypad and multilingual menus (English, French, Spanish, German)
- Additional Tools: Range card, Target Range Estimator, Subsonic Drop Calibration, and more.
Why Kestrel 5700X WEZ?
The Kestrel 5700X WEZ simplifies complex ballistic calculations, helping shooters analyze uncertainties, increase their confidence levels, and maximize performance. Whether comparing multiple weapon systems, determining critical ranges, or optimizing P HIT for long-range engagements, the Kestrel WEZ is the ultimate tool for shooters who demand precision.
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