Surubelnita dinamometrica, profesionala cu alunecare Torqueleader 1-6Nm
12 noiembrie 2015
Curea COBRA 18 kN
18 decembrie 2015Curea COBRA cu dublura 18 kN
225 lei
-1 în stoc
Curea COBRA cu dublura si sistem de prindere AustriAlpin ANSI Cobra
Material: Nylon
Weight: 365 g combined
H: 5 cm outer, 4 cm inner
A heavy duty, two part belt. The inner, soft belt buckles together via a ABS plastic loop and a Velcro patch, which makes it highly adjustable and comfortable. It has a full length Velcro patch with which it can be attached onto the outer, hard carrying belt. The outer belt buckles with a Austri Alpin Cobra buckle that withholds 1835kg – this belt is made to hold.
ANSI Cobra Test Report
ANSI COBRAs exceed all ANSI Z359.1 ( and figure 25) requirements which stipulate that all fastening hardware and adjusters exceed a 17.8kN (4000lb) tensile load /internal frame test for one minute. To date, few companies have been able to attain this lofty standard benchmark and those that have, have utilized heavy steel, rivetted plating, and often cumbersome size and design. The AustriAlpin ANSI and NFPA COBRAs are lightweight (made of 7075 aluminum alloy) and nothing short of sexy!
Unlike other products on the market the ANSI and NFPA Cobras have no dangerous potential for accidental opening / release when under load. AustriAlpin’s Patented COBRA technology and design prohibits this problem which is found universally among the competition.
M – 95-115 cm
L – 100-120 cm
XL – 110-130 cm
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